The Evolution of Northern Trust 

With Bill Osborn ('73), Retired Chairman & CEO, Northern Trust; Rick Waddell ('79), Retired Chairman & CEO, Northern Trust; and David C. Blowers ('89), Vice Chairman, Northern Trust


Tuesday, November 8th

Time:  5:30 pm CT

Northern Trust, 50 South La Salle Street, Chicago


Please join us for a wide ranging discussion with three members of Northern Trust's past and current leadership about the evolution of this global bank and the challenges ahead in navigating an unprecedented amount of change arising from market evolution and the development of emerging technology capabilities. 


Bill Osborn graduated from Northwestern University in 1969 and from Kellogg in 1973. He joined Northern trust in 1970 and spent the rest of his career there. He headed the commercial banking and personal financial services business units, and became president and chief operating officer in December, 1993. He was chairman and CEO of Northern Trust Corporation multibank hold holding company and the Northern Trust Company bank from 1995 through 2007. Bill serves on Northwestern University's Board of Trustees. Directorships include Caterpillar Inc., Nicor Inc., the Tribune Company, Abbott Laboratories and General Dynamics. 


Rick Waddell joined Northern Trust in 1975, and held leadership positioins in commercial banking, strategic planning and wealth management. In 2003, he became head of the Corporate & Institutional Services business unit and, in 2006, was named President and COO of Northern Turst. He served as CEO from 2008 to 2017, and was Chairman from 2009 to 2019. He is a member of the Board of Directors of AbbVie, IBM, the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, and the United Way of Metropolitan Chicago. Rick serves on Northwestern University's Board of Trustees. He received his undergraduate degree from Dartmouth College and his MBA from Kellogg in 1979. 


David Blowers is an Executive Vice President of Northern Turst. He serves as President of the bank's National Services practice for Wealth Management. He is also a member of the corporation's Operating Group. Most recently, he served as President of the Northern's East Region - Wealth Management business based in New York, and he served as President of Northern's personal business in Illinois for many years. He is based in Chicago. He graduated from Kellogg in 1989.